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Review: Gainward Golden Sample Ultra/1200XP GeForce FX 5900 Powerpack! Ultra 128MB

by Tarinder Sandhu on 20 August 2003, 00:00

Tags: Gainward Golden Sample ULTRA/1200XP Geforce FX 59, Gainward

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Quake III

Quake III doesn't employ anywhere near the polygon complexity of 3DMark's Nature and Dragothic tests. We expect this to be a dogfight won with pure overall grunt.

The cards are barely getting warmed up at this resolution and setting.

Even forcing them to perform a multitude of extra sub-pixel reads doesn't phase them. The only method of making them struggle is to add more pixels into the benchmark. 1600x1200x32 will force them to juggle 2.4x the present number of pixels.

An impressive display of power from all concerned.