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Review: ASUS GeForce GTX 650 Ti Direct CU II TOP

by Tarinder Sandhu on 15 October 2012, 14:00 2.5


Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qabnp5

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Bechmarks - Aliens vs. Predator

Review: HEXUS.net/qawcl | Where2buy: amazon.co.uk
Homepage: sega.com/avp | Publisher: Sega | Developer: Rebellion Developments

The standalone Aliens vs. Predator benchmark uses DX11 features such as hardware tessellation and advanced shadow sampling to draw and animate everyone's favourite xenomorph.

Here is an interesting result; the ASUS card is no faster than reference. We ran the test multiple times, on both cards, and the graphed-up scores are correct. The only plausible reason is that the GTX 650 Ti is fundamentally starved of memory bandwidth. It uses a 128-bit-wide memory bus allied to chips running at just 5,400MHz, producing 86.4GB/s of potential bandwidth. Increasing the core speed has no meaningful effect without also increasing the memory speed.

Underscoring this thinking that memory-bandwidth limitations are hampering performance, we manually overclocked the RAM from 5,400MHz to 6,000MHz and the 1,920x1,080-resolution score rose from 26.7fps to 29.1fps. Even so, the score is some way behind a last-gen Radeon HD 6870 and presently-available HD 7850.