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Review: Sapphire HD 7870 Flex GHz Edition

by Parm Mann on 20 July 2012, 09:30 4.0

Tags: Sapphire, AMD (NYSE:AMD)

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qabjpf

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Benchmark: Power, Temperature and Noise

Once again, we see little reason to run the HD 7870 Flex GHz Edition on BIOS 1. Power consumption is slightly lower under load, but there's hardly anything it.

The card doesn't get particularly hot on either BIOS; the Dual-X cooler is doing a stellar job in keeping under-load temperature well below 60ºC.

Sapphire's card is hardly audible when idle, and it keeps nice and quiet under load, too. We don't see any obvious reason to run the card with the slower stock-clocked BIOS.