Black and White 2
Our Black and White 2 test takes place near the beginning of the game, after most of the basic training is done and you're growing your first city, after about 2 hours gameplay.The big ATI logo when you fire up Black and White 2, indicating it's a Get In The Game title, is made a slight mockery of here, with GTX taking the X1800 XT to task until 1920x1200. GTX 512 dominates throughout. Note that we benchmark Black and White 2 at the most punishing in-game settings. Turning some of them down is the key to finding best playable performance, although the game still plays well into the low 30fps range for this reviewer, since the action is rarely at a blistering pace.
Transparency supersampling antialiasing can be a complete performance killer in Black and White 2, with ATI's equivalent adaptive solution less so, but still a big performance hoover in certain situations. Use those methods of increasing image quality sparingly. The GTX 512 opens up even larger gaps as you make it easier for the cards to play, too.