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Review: Gigabyte HD 7870 OC and PowerColor HD 7870 PCS+

by Parm Mann on 21 March 2012, 09:17 3.0

Tags: Gigabyte (TPE:2376), PowerColor (6150.TWO)

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qabd2f

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Benchmark: Power Consumption

We've previously stated that Radeon HD 7000-series cards have set a new benchmark with respect to power-draw for a given level of gaming performance, but some of that benefit is negated in factory-overclocked cards that draw more power in an effort to reach higher speeds.

Performance is up by about six per cent in Crysis 2, but to obtain that relatively-small increase, system-wide power consumption while gaming jumps by 18 per cent on Gigabyte's OC card and 21 per cent on PowerColor's PCS+.