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Review: SAPPHIRE X800 GTO Ultimate 256MB PCIe

by Tarinder Sandhu on 28 September 2005, 01:44

Tags: ATi Technologies (NYSE:AMD)

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qabsv

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Chronicles Of Riddick: EFBB

Chronicles Of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay is a fantastic-looking first-person shooter. As expected, the SAPPHIRE X800 GT0 Ultimate 256MB card performs better than the duo of GeForce 6600 GT and Radeon X800 GT 256MB but falls short, obviously, of the numbers laid down by X800 XL and GeForce 6800 GT. 1280x1024 is pretty playable, too.

The dark-blue line representing X800 GTO Ultimate 256MB performance continues to be sandwiched between midrange and high-end GPUs.