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Review: AMD A10-7800 (28nm Kaveri)

by Parm Mann on 31 July 2014, 13:00


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Benchmarks: Gaming

There's hardly anything separating A10-7800 and A10-7850K in Bioshock Infinite. The 512-core Radeon R7 remains the leader of the pack when it comes to gaming on integrated graphics.

GRID 2 at 720p with high-quality settings and the latest drivers plays lovely and smooth, too.

Total War: Rome II is an interesting gaming benchmark in that it relies heavily on both CPU and GPU horsepower. The fact that A10-6800K is able to usurp the 7-series parts further highlights the fact that CPU core performance has stagnated.

Still, the A10-7800 is equipped with a class-leading IGP and can deliver mainstream gaming experiences. Expanding on the above graphs, we re-ran all three titles at a full-HD 1080p resolution, and the 65W A10-7800 returned framerates of 26.4 in BioShock Infinite, 39.4 in GRID 2 and 35.6 in Total War: Rome II. Just about manageable, though performance does feel noticeably smoother at 720p.

Gamers seeking a fair bit more oomph should also note that dual-graphics technology is supported, with AMD recommending the Radeon R7 265 as the ideal companion to the A10-7800.