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Review: AMD Athlon 64 Model 3000+

by Tarinder Sandhu on 5 March 2004, 00:00


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UT2003, Q3, Call Of Duty

Unreal Tournament 2003's Bot Match benchmark should be sponsored by AMD. Its CPUs do incredibly well when the onus is on the host processor to push out geometry for the high-end graphics cards. So well that the 3.4GHz Pentium 4 Northwood is found wanting in comparison.

Quake III can be thought of as a CPU test in its own right. It shows just how much effect a lack of L2 cache has on a well-coded game. The difference is still less than 10%, though.

Call Of Duty reiterates much of what we've witnessed thus far. The biggest compliment we can pay to the AMD Athlon Model 3000+ is that it's almost interchangeable with the more expensive Model 3200+. I'd defy anyone to distinguish between the two without resorting to benchmarks. AMD's done some fine recylin'.