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Review: The Need for Speed: 3GHz and counting

by Tarinder Sandhu on 17 August 2002, 00:00

Tags: Intel (NASDAQ:INTC)

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qamr

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Benchmarks II

How does increased CPU speed affect WAV- MP3 encoding ?. I'm benchmarking this by encoding a 638MB custom WAV file into 192kb/s MP3 using the LAME 3.92 encoder and Razor-Lame 1.15 front-end.

Once again, sheer CPU power makes short work of this task. If you've got a lot of MP3 encoding to do, simply go for the fastest processor available.

Another media-related task that I indulge in is DVD - DivX encoding. I'm now using a quality-driven approach. 2-pass encoding via VirtualDub. Three Kings is the DVD of choice, resized to 720x304, precise bilinear and black borders cropped. YUV2 spacing is used and the bit rate is set to 1700 kbps. I encode a 15-minute section and calculate the average fps from there. DivX 4.12 is still my CODEC of choice.

Another impressive showing at 3GHz. Who says overclocking doesn't pay ?.