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Review: 2CoolPC Plus

by David Ross on 26 April 2000, 00:00

Tags: 2coolpc

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qau

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There was one problem I had with the cooler and this was that it hit the 50Pin connector on my SCSI card, so I had to move the SCSI card and put the Intel Pro100 card in its place, this meant that there was a 1/2 size PCI card installed giving it more room it works :-

The intake fan which is located at the bottom of the 2CoolPC plus ducting pushes air in to the case and over the cards and CPU, this then goes out of the back of the case via the Exhaust fan

I think that everyone should have one of these and they are very cheaply priced at a low $29.95, I believe that everyone should have one.

Quick to install
Good Idea

Cons :
Hit My SCSI card.
Could be better attached
Some may see it as tacky

The 2CoolPC plus Earned the Hexus.com Mark of Approval, with a score of 5.5/6 - this is a must for all overclockers!