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Review: Gigabyte 3DAurora 570 system chassis

by Matt Davey on 12 November 2007, 09:49

Tags: 3DAurora 570, Gigabyte (TPE:2376), PC

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qaj4l

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Gigabyte isn't the first to have fitted a handy little accessory box within a PC case but the idea has been well implemented. As a result - and assuming you don't intend to stuff the case full of 3.5in drives - you'll be able to keep your little bits and pieces out of the way and just where they're needed.

Within the box you get a bag of screws, plus drive rails, a power-splitter cable and a micro-fibre cloth for keeping the exterior clean.

Gigabyte 3D Aurora 570

A manual is provided, too, but not in the accessories box. Instead, it's hidden in a secret compartment on the top of the polystyrene sheet that protects the 570 during transit.