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Office Massacre to be released under different name

by Steven Williamson on 4 April 2006, 10:39

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Office Massacre in disguise

The much talked about, Office Massacre for mobiles and pda's, has now been renamed. It will now be called Office Zombies.

The original idea would have seen you gunning down your work colleagues, albeit in a cartoon environment.

Yesterday we reported that Alten8 had cancelled the controversial game, but it now seems they've found a way around the critics.

"After genuine shock at the negative press being generated after a few individuals commented on [Office Massacre], which was seen as nothing more than a cartoon game by those involved with it , Alten8 decided the right moral decision to take was to remove the game before it went to market in that form," the company said in a statement.

"We also hope that it will align the game more in the genre of other accepted zombie style games, as opposed to some extreme violence games, which it was being compared to."

The game was due to go on sale this month, but will be delayed due to the changes. Killing your work colleagues still sounds so much better!

This game will not be mentioned again!

Source: Games Industry.biz

HEXUS Forums :: 8 Comments

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didn't that happen with Carmageddon ?

as long as there a patch to change it back to co-workers I'm not fussed :D
didn't that happen with Carmageddon ?

as long as there a patch to change it back to co-workers I'm not fussed :D

Indeed it did :)

Bring on the co-workers…..er….Zombies……. *looks around* Well ack… my co-workers look like zombies so thats all good then :devilish:
Lee @ SCAN
Indeed it did :)

Bring on the co-workers…..er….Zombies……. *looks around* Well ack… my co-workers look like zombies so thats all good then :devilish:

:lol: If there's a mod, I'm getting this.
Lee @ SCAN
Well ack… my co-workers look like zombies so thats all good then :devilish:

says you :eek: im insulted :P hehe
/me loads his shotgun