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HP releases Play music syncing tool

by Hugo Jobling on 12 July 2011, 14:01

Tags: Hewlett Packard (NYSE:HPQ)

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Come out to play

HP has released a beta version of what it call's Play, although a more appropriate might be sync, as that what the program enables users to do with their music.

The tool simply enables users to transfer music from a computer to one or more WebOS devices, so it's hardly revolutionary. However, while the ability to sync directly with iTunes was removed from WebOS itself, HP Play can serve as a proxy between iTunes and a WebOS device. In fact, interfacing with iTunes is the primary feature of HP Play - although manual library management is an option.

The focus on iTunes syncing is unsurprising. WebOS supports drag and drop file transfers, and can read memory cards, so there's no need for software to keep music in sync between a computer and WebOS device. Moreover, plenty of music players are able to manage libraries on media players, making it iTunes users - who are likely to have iTunes managing their computer's music library - who will benefit most from syncing software.

The initial release is a wired-only solution, which limits its appeal somewhat. However according to HP staff, on the Play help forums, "a wireless solution is planned." iOS 5 will add wireless iTunes syncing, and Google already provides it on Android, so HP is playing catch-up in this regard. Moreover, there's no indication that HP will offer WebOS users a cloud syncing solution akin to iCloud, Google Music, Amazon Cloud Player, or any of countless other similar services.

Although there's little to be excited about with this beta version of HP Play, it's always possible that HP will find a way to add some previously unconsidered feature to its music syncing software that turns it into the next big thing. For now, though, file this under unimpressive.

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