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Wordpress and Dropbox encounter password woes

by Hugo Jobling on 22 June 2011, 09:45

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Password is password

As if further reminder were needed, with the recent PSN hacking scandal, and continuing LulzSec escapades, Wordpress.org has taken the precautionary measure of requiring all of its users to reset their passwords, after suspicious activity was discovered around several popular plugins.

The announcement ran as follows "Earlier today the WordPress team noticed suspicious commits to several popular plugins (AddThis, WPtouch, and W3 Total Cache) containing cleverly disguised backdoors. We determined the commits were not from the authors, rolled them back, pushed updates to the plugins, and shut down access to the plugin repository while we looked for anything else unsavoury."

The problem affected the open source arm of Wordpress' operation, Wordpress.org, not the commercially-backed Wordpress.com, so only those using self-hosted Wordpress installs need worry, and of those, only those that updated the affected plugins over the last couple of days should be concerned.

Wordpress' problems - proactively stepping in to prevent a potential security problem - are nothing compared to Dropbox, which managed to push out a version of the service that allowed access to user accounts with out a password. Although the bug was quickly fixed, and affected users have been notified, that will be no comfort to those worried about the security of their cloud-based files and may even prompt them to look elsewhere.

HEXUS Forums :: 3 Comments

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The links in the article don't work, here's fixed versions:

Dropbox, which managed to push out a version of the service that allowed access to user accounts with out a password. Although the bug was quickly fixed, and affected users have been notified, that will be no comfort to those worried about the security of their cloud-based files and may even prompt them to look elsewhere.


Error. Always concerning when something like that happens; they reckon they've emailed everyone who's accounts were logged on in that time and I've not had anything so that's something! *touch wood*
Made my decision a lot easier, I'm switching to encrypted-by-default cloud storage.