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AMD expects Microsoft's Windows 7 to launch in 2009

by Parm Mann on 2 October 2008, 12:19

Tags: Windows 7, AMD (NYSE:AMD), Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT)

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We try not to pay too much attention to company presentation slides, but this one from AMD is likely to make its way around the interwebs quicker than the Falcon can make the Kessel Run.

The slide, on show at an AMD presentation at CEATEC Japan and captured by PC Watch, tells us to expect Windows 7 and DirectX 11 in 2009.

We wouldn't hedge our bets on it, but it could be an indication that Microsoft is making better-than-expected progress with its forthcoming successor to Windows Vista.

The Redmond-giant has previously stated that 2010 is likely to be the year in which Windows 7 makes its debut, and the first in-depth technical information of its upcoming operating system will be revealed at the Professional Developers Conference (PDC) on October 27th.

HEXUS Forums :: 33 Comments

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Vista will last me a while, no way I am jumping on Windows 7, especially as cloud computing doesn't really hold any value for me personally.

DirectX11? It would be nice if they actually used DX10 first….
I'm using xp, decided to give vista a miss. Now I may get windows 7, or just go the other way and buy a macbook pro.
The only thing I'm looking forward to in Windows 7 is a new, hopefully much improved Media Centre for my HTPC. Preferably with the proper HD support that went missing between the TV pack beta and RTM!
The only thing I'm looking forward to in Windows 7 is a new, hopefully much improved Media Centre for my HTPC. Preferably with the proper HD support that went missing between the TV pack beta and RTM!
Hear hear! That and the ability to stream vob files to MC extenders. :)
TBH, those are the kind of features that should be added to Vista MCE, not held back for a completely new OS…