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Gitex 2006 - Samsung - Mobiles, Laptops, TVs and more

by HEXUS Staff on 19 November 2006, 09:53

Tags: Samsung (005935.KS)

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Gitex 2006 – Samsung - Laptops and Monitors

Samsung doesn't normally feature in our computing editorial, but there is one laptop they had at Gitex worth mentioning. The Sens G10 is a laptop equipped with a 17” 4:3 ratio display. Yep, you heard correctly, a laptop and a 17” non widescreen TFT.

Gitex 2006

Fortunately the marketing department at Samsung realised you’d need Big Daddy’s lap to use it; hence it’s marketed as a desktop replacement. The odd thing though is the specification - there is no battery provided with the Sens G10: it’s optional, and what’s more the spec. isn’t even all that remarkable. It’s a basic desktop replacement – but it does feature a desktop HDD inside. I doubt we will see this in the UK any time soon, but it would be interesting to see just how much Samsung charges for this apparent underachiever. You know, there isn’t really much of a reason to show you the next item, but the 305T is a 30” monitor worth drooling over. So heck, why not show you anyway, ladies and gents, here’s pure monitor porn.

Gitex 2006