Zalman introduce the VNF200 passive GPU cooler – or is it?

There is something strangely interesting about this cooler, it’s been setup on the stand in such a way that makes it use seem ‘ordinary’. It’s anything but though as it’s a passive cooler that is designed to mount on your GPU and connect directly to the rear-facing fan within your case.
All seems fairly normal right? Well yes and no, for a start adjustment isn’t possible, it either lines up with your case or it doesn’t. Hmmm?
Things started to get a bit worse when we read the accompanying card too, note the entry ‘Does not emit noise and can be used semi-permanently’. Ok so it’s a passive cooler you can only use on a Monday, Tuesday and Sunday? Stumped? Yup we were too!
Either the legal-eagles are covering their back on this one or someone; somewhere doesn’t seem to have got the press material quite right on this one…shame as it looked pretty interesting!