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Review: MotoGP 06 - Xbox 360

by Steven Williamson on 1 July 2006, 09:50

Tags: THQ (NASDAQ:THQI), Sports

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qaf4s

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Stunning graphics & sound

Graphically it’s clear to see that Climax have utilised the power of the Xbox 360. The riders and bikes have a slick sparkle that oozes finesse and the intricate details of the bikes,from shiny wheel trims to the clarity of the customised logos, are admirable. In fact, stick a copy of MotoGP: Ultimate Racing Technology 3 into your old Xbox, sit back, and applaud the technology – indeed Climax have said that they have used a total of 40,000 polygons per racer!

From the reflective rider’s helmets, to the fog and lighting effects, from the breathtaking scenery of the Extreme circuits to the formidable two wheeled beasts themselves, MotoGP 06 is visually accomplished – not to mention that I have experienced no slowdown despite 19 riders blistering around the circuits.

Click for larger image

The sound is certainly on par with the graphics. The resounding roar of the engines coupled with some great hardcore beats just add to the polish of the best motorbike racing game yet. MotoGP 06 will leave you begging for more – if you like bikes that is!

Click for larger image

Fluid control system
Great depth
Extreme mode is superb
Superb physics and graphics
Great sound

Need to unlock tracks
Steep learning curve for novices
I’m not good enough to beat anyone online!

If you’ve never tried a motorbike racing game then there’s never been a better time. Fans of the series should also buy it.

HEXUS Awards

HEXUS.gaming Editor’s Choice
MotoGP 06

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HEXUS Where2Buy

MotoGP 06 is available now , click the following links to order:


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