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Review: Table Tennis : Xbox 360

by Steven Williamson on 31 May 2006, 12:45

Tags: Table Tennis, Rockstar Games (NASDAQ:TTWO), Take-Two Interactive (NASDAQ:TTWO), Xbox 360, Wii, Sports

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Online tournaments

Graphically, Table Tennis is superb. Player's faces change dependant on the scenario - they actually look stressed if things aren't going their way - hair and clothing move as your players darts from side to side, and the Rockstar polish is clear to see in every slight movement. The venues are all very similar and even have some discreet advertising from the likes of Volkswagen, but because the action is so intense you'll probably not even notice the similarities nor the crowds, who often jump up and down and roar with excitement after a winning point.

Despite all of the high points the single player game is lacking options, so it's online that the game really shifts up a gear.

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Aside from the standard 1 Vs 1 exhibition matches online, there is a timed tournament option. This is a round-robin tournament that consists of up to 8 players, all of which play each other. The players meet in the lobby system before the game starts and the matches are chosen randomly. The host can choose how many minutes each round lasts, and the results are then shown on a league table back in the lobby at the end of each match. The predictability of the NPC's in single player mode is rapidly replaced by the unpredictability of the human mind as you participate in some great matches.

Rockstar have also included a mode called the 'Table Tennis Network', which allows you to watch other people participating in timed tournaments - personally I don't see the point of watching other people play, but to others, it's a crucial way to pick up playing tips and watch the best players battling it out.

The biggest downfall of playing online is the lag. Approximately 25% of the games I've played both in exhibition mode and the timed tournaments contained heavy lag and resulted in either myself or the opponent forfeiting the match before it had ended.

Rockstar's Table Tennis is addictive online, but lacking depth offline. It's as close to the real thing as you could possibly imagine, and the satisfaction of mastering all of the shots and seeing them executed with superb precision really gives you the feeling that you're actually playing ping pong. Your hands will ache with the constant long rallies and your eyes will bulge with intense concentration. At a reduced retail price of £29.99 (£26.99 at PLAY), it's a superb addition to Rockstar's catalogue.

Fluid control system
Addictive online mode
Superb physics and graphics

Lack of single player options
Online lag
Counter spinning colours are too weak

The best table tennis game out there *coughs* - seriously great fun online!

HEXUS Awards

HEXUS.gaming Editor’s Choice
Table Tennis

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HEXUS Where2Buy

Table Tennis is available now at £26.99, click the following links to order:


HEXUS Forums :: 1 Comment

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Had a quick go of it in Game at lunchtime.

Not bad at all and quite addictive. Well worth the price

Oh and you can get it for £24.97 from Tesco.com