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Review: Clash of The Titans - Xbox 360, PS3

by Steven Williamson on 10 June 2010, 15:05 2.0

Tags: Clash of the Titans (Xbox 360), Xbox 360, PS3, Action/Adventure

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Rushed and unrefined

The problem is that battles aren't exciting despite the attempt to try something new. You can attack enemies when they glow blue and drain their souls which allows you to pull off special attacks. When they glow orange you can execute your 'Seize' attack which triggers a QTE mini-game allowing you steal weapons from foes. It's an interesting mechanic that is fairly enjoyable for the first couple of hours of gameplay and it gives you the impression that you've got plenty of tactical opportunities to look forward to and that you'll have to think carefully about which categories to upgrade.

It's a nice idea, but it goes totally overboard with the QTEs. Unlike Bayonetta or God Of War you won't be treated to these context-sensitive events sporadically, but in every fight. That's every minion that you face - that's a lot of QTEs. You're be treated to the same few animations over and over again to the point where you'll wonder if it was a serious inclusion in the game.

Clash of The Titans does have some brilliant weapons and special powers, all of which feel different to handle and provide varying visual effects, but the result is often the same no matter what you choose. This is largely due to the inept A.I. Poor animations and ropey cut-scenes, just give even more reasons to criticise what is a lazy, boring and forgettable movie tie-in. The addition of an offline co-op mode, which kicks in during the second Act, bumps up the score slightly, but if you get that far without reaching for the eject button you must have a very low pain threshold.


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