Zap tells us his opinions...
Reviewer - ZapVersion reviewed - Xbox 360
Developed at Rebellion by the team that brought us the original 1999 classic, in Aliens vs. Predator we're given the chance to see the world through the eyes of the Colonial Marine, Alien and Predator in three very distinctive path crossing campaigns.
As many fans of the film will know, the story line is based around a colonial mining corporation stumbling upon an ancient pyramid and unleashing its deadly surprise.Upon activation of the pyramids proximity alert system, a race of deadly warrior hunters race across the galaxy to keep the evil within from escaping.
First and foremost the Marine campaign, while the game does somewhat capture the atmosphere of what made this title in the first place it fails to deliver as an involving experience. It's a case of shoot anything and everything that moves, melee a bit, move forward through an almost identical looking environment and once you're there, repeat everything you've just done. Sadly, I found this campaign to be the most bland of the three and was glad it ended.
Next in the Predator campaign, you'll be greeted with a feeling of dominance, the true feeling of a hunter. I felt this campaign offered the most involved and varied gameplay, for instance you can dispatch with your prey by means of stealth, melee or rush in all guns blazing with deadly weapons we all recognize from the movies. This adds greatly to the experience, whether it be switching to infra-red vision, charging your shoulder mounted plasma caster or dropping heads with the smart disc, the fun comes from deciding how to take out your next target.

Thirdly the Alien campaign, again just like the Marine campaign sadly this falls short and follows a very bland style of gameplay. While stealthy kills were apparently one of the ways to take down foes I had trouble getting it to work consistently and resorted to just spamming a single button through the entire campaign, not a huge amount of fun. As an alien you can run on all surfaces be it walls or the ceiling, on paper this sounds great but in reality getting stuck upside down on a wall in the middle of a fight with a marine popping shotguns rounds into my acid oozing shell isn't fun at all. Not much else to day about this campaign, very much the same through and through from the first 10 minutes of gameplay.
Lastly I'll take a light touch on multiplayer and its flaws.
As of this moment in time for the Microsoft Xbox 360 version most multiplayer gametype modes become unplayable due to players exploiting certain flaws, you'll often find yourself against a grouped bunch of enemies all blocking in a certain area and this makes it impossible to kill them forcing you to just leave the game. However! If you play multiplayer with friends then there's a great load of fun to be had, my favourite of which being Predator Hunt.
Overall the atmosphere is there but the gameplay just doesn't cut it
Score: 6.5/10.
Average User Score: 7.5/10
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