All the fun of the fair...
When I think of the word 'funfair' it conjures up an image in my mind of many a happy time in my childhood when the kaleidoscope of colours from the elaborately decorated stalls, the laughter of children, the smell of candyfloss and toffee apples and the lure of the hypnotic musical waves from the fairground organ delightfully flooded my senses. I used to love going to the fair.My parents would give my siblings and I some loose change to spend on a variety of fairground games, such as hook-a-duck or the coin-push machine, where we’d be quite content in winning an ET cuddly toy or being able to fill our plastic cups to the brim with coppers.
Now that I’m an adult perhaps my idea of fun has changed, but I think I’d be right in saying that the funfair just doesn’t seem to have the same charm these days. At the last funfair, which I had the misfortune of attending, the smell of greasy burgers and kebab meat suffocated the sweet aroma of toffee apples and candyfloss, the welcoming circus music had been replaced by booming techno beats, the local chavs hung around the waltzers swigging cider and spitting and I spent a small fortune on the overpriced amusements.

On that depressing note and pointless bit of waffle, let me swiftly move on and cheer you up with the news that Global Star Software, a publishing label of Take-Two Interactive Software, has attempted to recreate the feel of the funfair that we once used to know and love in Carnival Games for Wii and have revived many of those games that many of us will remember playing as a child.
A number of these funfair games have stood the test of time and can still be found rotting away in grubby piers and arcades from Brighton to Blackpool, but for children and adults alike, Carnival Games is a great chance to experience the thrill of the fair in the comfort of your own homes, without the fear of being pick-pocketed.
And, there’s not an RSPCA rep in sight to stop the stall holders presenting you with a goldfish in a plastic bag as a prize. Ah....those were the
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