Ball juggling bonaza
The gamebreaker function works like this: Build up your gamebreaker meter by performing tricks. Once the meter is full, head for the centre of the pitch to activate the effect, and then unleash a ferocious shot at your opponent’s goal, fire from a distance and you’ll probably knock a few players over in the process. The gamebreaker option gives you something to work towards, aside from scoring as many goals as possible.
Throughout the dozens of matches that you’ll play to advance through single-player mode you’ll experience plenty of problems with camera angles. The camera zooms in and out of the action at will, normally when you’re pulling off a trick (we don’t care we’ve seen it a million times). The default camera on the game shows you an end-to-end view rather than the sideline view that was seen in the previous version. There is also an option to change camera to “close” and “far” views. Camera angles are often far too awkward and shift frequently; you’ll find yourself moving your head, Stevie Wonder style, to keep up with the changes.

Aside from the main career mode is a ball juggling game. It’s actually great fun, for a while. The moves are executed superbly thanks to the smooth controls. You’ll need to move your thumbstick in a certain pattern to complete some tricky maneouvers . The slight delay between executing the move and the move actually taking place, allows you to watch the tricks in their full glory. The fun element disappears rather quickly, and once you’ve completed the entire list of tricks you’ll probably never return. This game mode does give you the chance to hone those skills before heading for the streets.