Dark gaming and yesteryear graphics.
Moving on, the action starts to really hot up. Your laser gun can blast holes in walls, take out power supplies and you'll need to do risky things to proceed with a surprising solution to your predicament but when all seems lost his good buddy should be around to lend a hand. Lester continues on his desperate journey, riding transporters, leaping over razor sharp rocks and battling guards who now have grenade type weapons. Sometimes you'll need to utilize your enemy's weapons for your own means.
The graphics are obviously reminiscent of the games original era, but they do the job and purists out there will appreciate them. The back ground landscapes have been enhanced but it seems the characters have not. Some objects are small and you may not notice them in the heat of the moment and as a lot of the game is situated underground it is on the whole fairly dark most of the time, but hey it's not Teletubby Land and there's something about playing a 'dark game' that really pulls you in and creates intimacy.
The accompanying audio disc of the soundtrack is about 20 minutes or so long. It's heavy on tension building and you'll feel your adrenalin rising with it, not perhaps what you might play while relaxing with a bottle of red but surely a collector’s item. Track 5 was a favourite, featuring that 'I'm so scared I can hear my own heart beating' sound also known as 'I've had way too much caffeine and need to stop running now'.