As far as RTS games go, you'll struggle to find better...
Since my visit to Warhammer World in Nottingham, Game’s Workshop’s regular HQ, I’ve been waiting with great patience for the latest game in the Warhammer series, Warhammer: Mark of Chaos to land on my desk. My initial preview of the game, where I had the chance to take a sneaky peak around the lands of the Empire, promised plenty from Namco Bandai’s latest real-time strategy title; finally I’ve got my hands on the full version.
Before we continue, I won’t be comparing Warhammer: Mark of Chaos to any of the previous titles, simply due to the fact that I haven’t played them; so it’s with a fresh approach and a certain naivety that I immersed myself in the fantasy land of warring armies, mighty heroes and the hordes of Chaos. Taking part in huge-scale battles across detailed landscapes and carrying out puzzle based assignments and objective based missions, I placed myself on the side of the Empire in an attempt to bring peace at this turbulent time in Warhammer lore.

As I understand, Warhammer: Mark of Chaos is a title that stays true to the fiction and art of the Warhammer world although I can’t really say whether the historical references in the game are true or not. What I do know however, from my small amount of experience, is that the design, artwork and intricate detail of these armies and environments are a credit to the fans that have embraced the table-top game, not to mention the huge videogame audience that have been playing Warhammer games in their thousands over the last few years.
Warhammer: Mark of Chaos does stick closely to its table-top roots by binning the idea of base and resource management in favour of a real-time combat system (hidden behind an in-depth stats system), which keeps the action flowing, but also allows you to make accurate tactical decisions based on the strengths and weaknesses of your opponents and your own units.

Over a year has passed since the Great War, during which the brutal Chaos armies swept across the Empire lands. Many fierce battles still rage across the Old World.
Portions of the defeated Chaos armies have retreated to the distant Northern Wastes, while others have fallen to hostile groups. Among these tribes, new Champions rise up in an effort to reunite the Chaos forces, yet eventually all fail. None can match the power of their fallen leader, Asavar Kul.
The united Empire and High Elf forces hunt the Chaos hordes from the Empire territories, still alert because danger lurks around them in the form of smaller enemy warbands that loot the settlements of the border lands.
Right, onto the game...