Warhammer 40K: Winter Assault Expansion Pack
Last year if you remember we took a look at Warhammer 40 K Dawn of War for the PC. Check out theWarhammer 40K: Dawn of War Review if you need a bit of a memory jog! Here we are all but a year later and Relic has released the Winter Assault expansion pack, adding more to the original. As well as having the Space Marines, Eldar, Orcs and Chaos a new race has been added for our enjoyment and play, the one and only Imperial Guard.
For everyone living in the dark ages Warhammer 40 K : Dawn of War is a RTS (Real Time Strategy) game based on the Games Workshop series that traditionally uses pens, paper and little lead figures that have been painted up. Thankfully if you don’t have the time to paint up those great looking figures or are worried the kids will get a hold of the paint and decide to redecorate the house instead of actually painting the figures you can always sit down and get your head into the Warhammer world with Winter Assault… no paint required, just a copy of the first game, Dawn of War !

So just what’s new and enthralling about the Winter Assault expansion I hear you shouting through cyberspace (not forgetting the old get on with it!), is it worth spending my hard earned cash on ? Well, read on and let’s see what exactly is new!