Create and customize multiple agent characters,
Reviewer - Jimmy EllisSome games hit you like a tidal wave. No sooner have you bludgeoned your first enemy, skidded round your first corner, or insulted your first NPC, you know it’s going to be a cracker. Global Agenda, regrettably, is not one of those games.
By all accounts, it’s a pretty uninteresting prospect. A futuristic third-person shooter, revolving around a pan-continental government that spends its time repressing people and creating super-soldiers, until the latter project goes a bit wrong, and one of them goes rogue and joins the resistance. Déjà-vu, anybody?
What about gameplay then? Well, it’s an MMOFPS (MMOTPS if you’re pedantic), with PvE and PvP modes, character classes, levelling, crafting, upgrades, and paid “boosters”. Again, I think we’ve been here before.
The initial experience isn’t much better. Start the game up, and you’re swiftly swung into action in one of the biggest additions from the Sandstorm patch: the Sonoran Desert. It’s effectively a huge PvE area, with respawning enemies and targets, where multiple gamers simultaneously attempt to complete a variety of missions. Sadly though, it took me a while to realise it was multiplayer, because for a long time I was the only one playing them. And I can’t say I’m surprised. There’s absolutely no voice acting – all NPCs give missions via overly-wordy text boxes; the enemy AI is at times pathetic – standing on a cliff confuses them so much that it turns into a turkey-shoot; and the missions aren’t all that enticing either – go here, kill him, collect that, come back. Rinse, wash, repeat.

Convinced that I’d stumbled on another MMO disaster, I pressed on and tried the PvP. The level cap is 50, so I anticipated lots of maniacal VOIP laughs as my level 11 assault character was obliterated.
Within seconds, I’m plunged into an arena battle. A level 50 player attacks the control point, so I pull out my assault rifle, take a few pot shots, and he drops dead.
Probably a coincidence, I figure. But it happens again and again.
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