Back in the day, (that day being around 1999) there was a small war going on in first person shooters. You fell into one of two camps… Quake 3 Arena or Unreal Tournament. It was brother against brother, father against son and it seemed that you either liked one or the other but couldn’t like both. Each had their own merits. Quake 3 was fast, slick and full of frags. Unreal Tournament was slower paced with less claustrophobic maps and frankly, it was better. So there.After that there was Unreal Tournament 2003 and Unreal Tournament 2004 which both did little to really progress the series except tweak the weapons and bot AI. To my mind Unreal Tournament was the best of the series since UT2k3 pulled the sniper rifle and did away with Assault which was a bloody crime.

UT2k4 essentially an update to UT2k3, even completely replacing it on the shelves and introduced the Onslaught mode as well as bringing back the sniper rifle… but by then we were all playing Battlefield and so, although it wasn’t a bad game by any means, we’d all moved on to something else.
So, after a three year hiatus, the Unreal Tournament series is back, with Unreal Tournament 3 which, if you fall for some of the hype, promises to be bigger, better and more ass-kickingly headshottingly wonderful than anything we’ve ever seen ever in our lives… ever.
Hmm, wanna bet?