Probably the most anticpated game this year
If you’re at all interested in first person shooters then you can’t fail to have heard about Crysis, the latest shooter from Crytek. Ever since Far Cry landed on our PCs way back in 2004, everyone has been wondering how Crytek’s next shooter would build on that free-roaming gameplay. (And just for the record, Crytek only made Far Cry, all the other Far Cry games after that weren’t by them, ok?)It’s interesting that since Far Cry, few FPS games have made any attempt at the free roaming Far Cry showed was possible. We’ve had some fairly major releases in the last 3 years, the Call of Duty series, Medal of Honor, Quake and Half Life 2 have all had sequels out but apart from MoH, no-one’s really had a crack at giving the player an objective and letting them figure out how to achieve it.

But beyond free-roaming, there’s the whole DX10 issue. Arguably Crysis is the most eagerly anticipated DX10 game so far, so all those gamers who moved to Vista and invested in a two-card graphics solution will be eagerly awaiting Crysis to show what their machines are capable of. And of course Microsoft and NVIDIA will be keeping an eye on Crysis as, although they very likely will never admit it, Crysis is the game that they’ll be hoping makes people jump to Vista.
So there’s a massive amount of interest on many levels… but above all that, above all the hype, what we need to know is this: is it any bloody good? Read on.