Following the events of the previous game, Kazuma and Haruka (his adopted daughter) have left Kamurochoto to seek a new life in Okinawa where they manage an orphanage for children. However, their peaceful life is soon interrupted when a series of events unfold pulling Kazuma back into the shadowy past he thought he had left behind.
With Tokyo and Okninawa as the game's backdrop gameplay will largely focus on combat, as you learn new moves the more you progress and earn skill points to dish out on various combat ablities They'll also be the chance to enagage in a variety of real-life activities from buying items in licensed shops and businesses to eating in restaurants you can find on actual streets of Tokyo and away from the action, they'll be a variety of mini-games including billiards, karaoke and golf to provide you with some much needed rest from the button-mashing.
More details as we get them, but check out these new screenshots, which show to some extent how accurately the cities will be modelled accurately on their real-life counterparts.