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New Xbox 360 feature and enhancements confirmed for May

by Steven Williamson on 10 April 2007, 13:06

Tags: Xbox 360, Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT), Xbox 360

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qaied

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Live messenger comes to Xbox 360

The Xbox 360 spring update will take place on May 7th with the main feature being a Windows Live Messenger service that will integrate seamlessly with the live messenger service that is currently being enjoyed by millions of PC users. Not only will we be able to text chat using a new keyboard attachment that is being launched by Microsoft, but we’ll also be able to use voice and video chat to communicate with friends.

Bringing the largest IM community in the world, Windows Live Messenger, to Xbox 360 makes sense, as Xbox LIVE has really become the largest social network on television,” said Jerry Johnson, product unit manager of Xbox LIVE at Microsoft. “For our growing community of 6 million on Xbox LIVE, using Xbox 360 is a very social, connected experience. They are using Xbox 360 to play games, music and movies while simultaneously communicating with one another through video, voice and text chat. With this announcement we are simultaneously expanding the access of Xbox LIVE users to existing friends and family while introducing Windows Live Messenger users to the benefits of Xbox 360."

Included in the spring update will be a revamped live section that will make downloading easier, notifications that will now detail the achievements we have unlocked and improved family settings.

Check out the press release overleaf