Hang on, there’s three of them… how’s that alone?
We’ve already pretty extensively covered Alone In The Dark in this First Look, then at E3 2006 and again at GC 2006… so if you have a look at those you’ll know all about it and all I have to do is show you these new screenies…
Oh alright… here’s a few snippets from our previous coverage… for those of you too damn lazy to click a link… The game world itself has been designed to behave as you’d expect the real world to behave. Now I know we’re having realism and physics rammed down our throats with every new game out there but Alone In The Dark takes an approach more akin to Half Life 2… ie. there’s stuff you have to do that can easily be achieved if you think about things logically. One good example of this happens when you’re driving along and the ground subsides suddenly beneath you. Using a bit of logic, you can make your escape from the hole you’re in by elevating a breakdown truck’s ramp, clearing off the car on there and jumping your car out of the hole. Ok, in real life we’d more than likely leg it from the collapsing ground and call the AA whilst thinking about how we’d fill out the insurance claim form, but this is a game, right?

Right, now you really should go off and read the other bits ‘cos Alone In The Dark, if it delivers as it seems to be promising to, is going to be one title you’ll want to play with the lights off… ooooh, spooky…