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2008's (U.S.) most played videogame console is...

by Steven Williamson on 5 January 2009, 13:19

Tags: Xbox 360, PS3, Wii

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Despite being over 8 years old, Sony's Playstation 2 was apparently the most played videogames console in 2008 in the US, claims data analyst Nielson.

The Nielson study, which examines console usage over the last year, states that, contrary to popular belief, the Wii wasn't the most played console in 2008. The Wii actually came in third place accounting for 13.4 per cent of gameplay time, whereas the Xbox 360 came in second position with 17.2 per cent. The Playsation 2 topped the stats with 31.7 per cent!

The study also threw up some interesting data about the Playstation 3. According to the statistics, it was played even less than the original Xbox. Ouch!

The Nielson report also reveals the region's most played game of 2008. It's World of Warcraft of course, with an average of 671 minutes per week being spent online.

Source :: Nileson

HEXUS Forums :: 3 Comments

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I'm not suprised that the PS3 was low down, but the PS2 being higher than 360 or Wii is a shock.

But then…. I have a PS2 for GH and GH3 :) and I've still not finished GT4 ;)
I haven't finished GT4 yet either :laugh: Since the PS2 is the only errr “current” console I own then I would have to say that holds true with me.

Although I did spend xmas playing PS3 and university playing xbox 360 (forza ftw) sooo…

We have a wii somewhere as well but it never gets used..

WoW.. :rolleyes:
Garantuee there was more time burger eating than all the consoles playing time put together.:puke: