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Supreme Commander advances onto the Xbox 360

by Nick Haywood on 26 March 2008, 11:14

Tags: Supreme Commander Xbox360, THQ (NASDAQ:THQI), Xbox 360, Strategy

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And even more Supreme Commander Xbox 360 screenshots

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HEXUS Forums :: 6 Comments

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Interesting - I'd highly sceptical that this will port or run well on the 360 but I'm open to being ‘corrected’. This is a game that can choke very high spec PCs after all..

Perhaps they're limiting the units severely? Try playing this in multplayer on the PC with a 1000 unit limit for each faction and two players versus two AI..
Like dangel said, it's an awesome game but with the biggest map… 8 players and 1000 units each. No way could a 360 handle that! My PC paces along at 5fps at the though of it! :D

I guess they much be capping the max player/units heavily as you said dangel. Annoying they get some ‘extras’ we don't though :(

I guess SupCom is no where near as demanding as forged alliance mind you
The Xbox 360 has a single hardware platform and a triple core 3.2 GHz CPU (yes I know its in order and so it IPC isn't that good) along with a fairly powerful graphics engine. I think it'll be just fine :)
The Xbox 360 has a single hardware platform and a triple core 3.2 GHz CPU (yes I know its in order and so it IPC isn't that good) along with a fairly powerful graphics engine. I think it'll be just fine :)

4 cores, better gpu, more memory (system/graphics) - still can choke. They'll have to dial something(s) back to make it work. That's not necessarily a bad thing gameplay wise though - especially given the target audience.

Solving the inherent control issues will be interesting too - oui?

Perhaps the clue is four-player-only multiplayer - that's the first restriction.
The Xbox 360 has a single hardware platform and a triple core 3.2 GHz CPU (yes I know its in order and so it IPC isn't that good) along with a fairly powerful graphics engine. I think it'll be just fine :)

Yeah but my C2Q at 3.68Ghz, 8800 ultra and 4GB of ram can still grind to a halt in this game! (doing silly things admitted) You need to play it to see the immense scale of it, it's pretty insane!!