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GPS and email for Sony's PSP

by Steven Williamson on 7 February 2006, 11:37

Tags: PlayStation Portable, Sony Computers Entertainment Europe (NYSE:SNE), PSP

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PSP rocks!

This month's U.S Playstation Magazine reveals that a GPS add-on could be the next funky accessory for the PSP.

According to the article the device will plug into the USB port and utilise the software supplied on a UMD disc. Details are sketchy and Sony haven't revealed whether the system will allow downloadable map updates.

Hackers are currently taking advantage of a piece of software called GPSP Created via circuit hacking and a piece of PSP software called 'Lua', this hack already claims to turn your PSP into an adequate GPS.

The magazine also reveals that a built-in email program called 'Sony Mail' will be able to be installed through a firmware update.

Although Sony have not made an official announcement, both features are said to be reaching us by the end of the year.

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I saw this on engadget a while back, i have to admit GPS would be a real killer app. It's just a matter of time really. The PSP's 3D engine, if put to good use, could posibly make this the best GPS solution around. I cant wait to get mine :D. I just hope Sony (being Sony) don't over charge for it.

I hope someone will make a good dashboard mount too, but i guess they will.