Beat the leak!
Empire Interactive has announced the return of the supremely addictive plumb-em-up, Pipe Mania across pretty much every platform.Us older gamers will fondly remember the simple gameplay task of laying pipe from the inlet to the outlet before the seepage caught up… and that’s exactly what we’re going to get here too. This time though, Pipe Mania is coming out on DS, Wii, PSP, PS2, Xbox LIVE Arcade and PC.
The original version of Pipe Mania was published by Empire Interactive in 1989, with Pipe Dream released in the U.S. in 1991. It ranks as one of the most popular and ported puzzle games of all time. The title has achieved phenomenal sales of more than 4 million units worldwide, making it one the most successful puzzle games ever launched.

For those of you that don’t know, you have to lay down a pre-ordained set of pipes on a tiled grid in order to keep the constantly flowing Flooze moving for as long as possible without it spilling out. What made it so addictive? Well, getting sooo close to the finish to then balls it up with a load of bad pipes or head off in one direction expecting some later pipes to take you to the exit were my key killers…

Anyhoo, have a gander at these DS screenies and check back soon for more.