Mario Stikers: Charged Football
Now’s your chance to bend it like Beckham, score like Shevchenko and hit it like Henry or, failing that, floor the opposition with a well aimed Blue Shell! What’s more, with Mario Strikers: Charged Football you really can compete in a world cup, thanks to the multi-player mode via Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection Service. Make sure you’re wearing your team colours as ‘Mario Strikers: Charged Football’ kicks off across Europe on Wii on 25th May 2007.
Nintendo has taken one of the world’s most popular sports and made it even better by throwing in some of Nintendo’s most popular characters, 5-a-side teams and well and truly throwing out the rulebook! What’s more now it is available on Wii! The innovative Wii Remote, will allow players to immerse themselves deep into the action translating real movement into on-screen action.

Mario Strikers: Charged Football is different from the average football game and is even more exciting and engaging than ever before, with a strong emphasis on each team’s captain. These star players each have unique abilities and enhanced skills, which allow them to really influence the outcome of a game. The team captains all feature a Super Ability which can be used to devastate their opponents, ranging from Mario growing to giant proportions and trampling other players, to Peach taking a photo and freezing the entire opposing team on the spot. Tactical use of these super abilities can break down even the most stubborn defence. To top this off, in Mario Strikers: Charged Football players can choose 3 side-kicks (from a total of 8) who each have their own unique features which allows for tactical team customisation.

The Wii Remote brings a dynamic new element to Mario Strikers: Charged Football, encouraging the player to make instinctive physical movements to achieve the desired effect within the game. Basic movement and strikes are executed using the analogue stick and buttons on the Wii Remote and nunchuk, but when the pressure is on, players can use their instinctive movements to affect the gameplay. Flicking the Wii remote will cause the character to check their opponent, hopefully stealing the ball in the process. Players can also use the Wii remote to perform cat-like saves, defending their goal from Megastrikes by grabbing the balls out of the air.
In Mario Strikers: Charged Football the sense of fair play is thrown out the window along with the rulebook. Fouled players get special treats with which to avenge themselves, ranging from Red Spiky Shells, which knock everything out of their path, to the Chain Chomp that chases players from the opposing team around the pitch.
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