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Review: Nokia 8800

by Matt Davey on 9 August 2005, 00:00

Tags: Nokia (NYSE:NOK)

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Package - At Home

The initial expense of the 8800 is £599 RRP ($1,000 USD, €860) which is a significant amount to spend on a mobile, especially when they are still around £250 on a high tariff contract in the UK. In its favour though is the package that is provided with the 8800, it’s not just a simple hands free kit and charger.

The 8800 comes with a desk charger which continues to prove the quality of the package, featuring a frosted plastic base and a stainless steel edge, the stand has room for the 8800 as well as a second battery slot. The base is the cleverly integrated charge indicator, whilst charging it pulses blue and when fully charged the blue glow stays on permanently.

Opening the device whilst in the stand is also possible, so you can make calls and write SMS messages whilst the handset is still charging.

As you can see below the spare battery slot in the back of the desk charger is easy to use, and more importantly, a requirement for the prolonged use of the 8800.