Portable iPod dock with built-in radio
As we’ve seen with the yet-to-be-launched (in the UK) iPhone, manufacturers will jump on any damn bandwagon they can to launch an extra that you’ll then blindly buy in the quest to become the complete Apple owner. But where this all falls on its arse is just how many of these products are actually any use or any good.
And these were the two questions I had to ask myself when the Altec Lansing inMotion iM600 landed on my desk with a not inconsiderable thump. Now I don’t want to appear anti-Apple, because I’m not, (I’m nearly 100 per cent sure that the rumours about Macs giving you herpes aren’t true) but I do get a bit fed-up with gadget after gadget claiming to be the ultimate accessory I’ll ever need for my iPod. Not that this is what Altec Lansing is saying, it’s just that this is one of so many docking stations that it’d need to do and be something special to lift it above the dozens of other similar products out there.
The thing is, the more I play with the inMotion iM600, the more I find myself actually liking it… and the more I like it the more I get annoyed with myself, for I am not a capitalist sheep-mentality consumer and I will not succumb to the Apple…
Oh OK, maybe I will a little bit…