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Review: In-deep Canopus Edius SP system for HDV

by Bob Crabtree on 6 May 2005, 00:00

Tags: Canopus

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qabeq

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If a project needs to be sent back to tape in HDV format, it first has to be transcoded to an MPEG transport stream.

With Edius, the first stage is to export the file to hard disk. Then, just as SP’s HDV capture tools aren't integrated into the main Edius interface, so export to HDV requires a separate program - MPEG TS Writer.

The applet accesses the final HDV MPEG file and sends it back via FireWire to the camcorder. It does its job without complaint but the process of exporting a whole new file to hard disk and then exporting that to tape with a secondary program feels like a colossal backward step – right back to the days when DV was new and nothing was easy. In contrast, standard definition DV is, of course, sent back to tape directly from within Edius.

The MPEG TS Writer applet is used for
exporting HDV back to tape

File-export options include HD and SD AVI files, as well as uncompressed video files. ProCoder Express provides MPEG-encoding tools with templates for DVD, VCD and SVCD, not just HDV transport streams for use with MPEG TS Writer. Encoding for DVD turned out well from HDV sources. A two-pass encode was completed roughly in real time, while the same job with standard conversion to NTSC multiplied rendering time by a factor of three – impressive nonetheless. Other output formats enabled through ProCoder Express include QuickTime, RealMedia and Windows Media Format.

ProCoder Express encodes media for DVD, multimedia,
the web, and can make HDV transport streams for export to tape