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More Christmas Shoppers Turn To DVDs As Gift Ideas This Christmas

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London: 18 December 2007: More DVDs will be bought as gifts this Christmas than in 2006, reveals a survey carried out by the Digital Entertainment Group Europe (DEG Europe), the pan industry body to promote DVD and HD formats to consumers and trade across Europe. The findings show that DVDs remain the present of choice with 78 per cent of UK consumers questioned purchasing one or more DVDs over the festive period, compared to 68 per cent in 2006.

It is evident that there is still a huge demand for DVDs and the primary reasons for purchases are two-fold. 63 per cent said that they know that it is a present friends and family would like and 59 per cent will be buying DVDs because they featured on their 'wish list'.Ā  Of the DVDs purchased by consumers this Christmas, the majority of those (82 per cent) will be purchased in Standard Definition (SD); however, some (9 per cent) will be embracing next generation DVDs.

The appetite for home entertainment is set to increase further with more consumers eager to adopt new technologies to enhance their viewing experience. The survey has revealed that in 2008 High Definition (HD) will be embraced more aggressively than ever with 54 per cent of those questioned planning to move to HD, 39 per cent of which within the next six months.

Yves Caillaud, Senior Vice President Warner Home Video EMEA, for and on behalf of DEG Europe, commented, "It is extremely encouraging to see that the DVD format continues to hold its own this Christmas as a gift of choice. Furthermore, it is exciting to see consumers gaining confidence and understanding of the possibilities in the next generation of home entertainment. The survey suggests that 2008 is set to be an interesting year for High Definition."