Personal TV
So FLO TV is a separate network from standard mobile phone ones. It can transmit up to 30 channels, plus radio, but being broadcast technology it's only one way.
This technology has been available in the USsince early 2007 and now, we were told, over 200 million people have access to it. On average, users are spending about 30 minutes per day watching TV with FLO.
"There is a huge appetite for mobile TV," said Assayag. "Originally FLO TV was about the network, buying content and acting as a wholesale mobile TV provider. But recently we've decided to add a direct to consumer model."
Assayag was referring to the launch, early last month, of the Flo TV Personal Television (pictured) - the first time Qualcomm has ever launched an own-branded consumer device. It costs around $250 and is a dedicated device for watching content broadcast by FLO TV.
The device has a 3.5-inch diagonal screen, its battery supports more than 5 hours of active FLO TV viewing or 300 hours standby, and it has a capacitive touch-screen.