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A Silicon Valley soap opera

by Scott Bicheno on 24 September 2010, 12:35

Tags: General Business

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Finger pointing

That was that until McClure wrote a tweet that appears to have been a DM fail that was quickly deleted, but was covered by Silicon Alley Insider: "Ron is throwing us under a bus. and it's chickenshit that he writes that after David Lee comes to both meetings." The Ron in question was apparently Ron Conway of SV Angel and Dave Lee is one of his business partners.

It turned out that Conway, who didn't attend the Bin 38 meeting, had written an email to those who had, disapproving of their activities. TechCrunch got hold of the email and published it. This line captures its theme: "I want to clarify once and for all my total disagreement with your values and motives for being investors."

Apart from a few other prominent tech bloggers, such as Robert Scoble, throwing their ten cents worth in on the matter, that's the extent of the fall-out so far. But we think it's safe to assume that won't be the last of it.

The internecine finger-pointing is bound to continue, much of it in the public domain for our entertainment, but you have to wonder what the authorities will make of this apparent cartel. It's against the law for competitors to collude in order to fix prices and, if that's what these super angels were doing, they're going to have some pretty awkward questions to answer.

Inevitably the matter has already been dubbed Angelgate and it wouldn't be a true tech soap opera if Hitler hadn't been given a chance to comment on the matter. Well, he has.


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McClure went on to accuse Arrington, who he counts as a friend, of chasing reads.

So, the writer of an ad-supported blog wrote a story to try to drive traffic to his site? How shocking :o