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Review: Shuttle XPC SB77G5

by Ryszard Sommefeldt on 23 January 2005, 00:00

Tags: Shuttle, Intel (NASDAQ:INTC)

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qa6g

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When Shuttle launched the SN95G5 I was remiss that their new Socket 939 XPC wasn't in the P-series chassis. That was rendered moot when it became clear that the G5 revision of their G-series XPC enclosure was the best G-series yet, combining all that's great about the XPCs we know and love, with excellent understated style, giving the product a very polished feel. There's the chance you might not agree with my stylistic notions of what makes the G5 great, but from the feedback I've had from readers since the SN95G5 was launched, it seems most of you agree.

So if Shuttle aren't going to drop new hardware into the P-series, and why should they for everything, really, the G5 is a rather nice place for it to be. Reinforcement of that came with Intel fans getting hot and bothered about SN95G5. They wanted their CPUs of choice supported in the very best Shuttle have to offer too. Pentium 4 and G5 had to be mated.

Their wishes were granted with Shuttle's recent launch of the SB77G5, putting Intel and LGA775-based Pentium 4 into the chassis that everyone seems to love. You'll have seen the SB77G5 elsewhere on the web already, if you're a keen XPC spotter, and I must apologise to you, and Shuttle, for bringing this evaluation to you late. However it's better late than never as they say.

And with Intel's new core logic receiving such a lukewarm reception in recent months, for good reason, Shuttle's pairing of the new socket with Canterwood (i875P) seems inspired. All that's left is to take a closer look, SB77G5's cards laid out on the table, so take a closer look I shall. Can SB77G5 bring that G5 magic to Pentium 4, with innards to match the gorgeous good looks?

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