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Review: DinoPC BX1

by Parm Mann on 18 March 2016, 15:25


Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qacze7

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Benchmarks: Gaming

A couple of overclocked GTX 980 Tis are a potent mix and they have no trouble spitting-out a 3DMark Fire Strike score in of over 20,000. In case you're wondering, the BX1 managed 13,288 marks in the Fire Strike Extreme test and 7,416 in Fire Strike Ultra.

There's an awesome amount of gaming performance on offer, though of course you will need a high-resolution monitor to make the most of the GPUs. A 4K display is practically a must, and given that the BX1 has little trouble playing modern games at such a lofty resolution, we suspect VR titles will run silky-smooth should SLI support be up to scratch.