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Review: Scan 3XS Z77 Performance Q10

by Parm Mann on 16 August 2012, 14:05 4.0

Tags: SCAN

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qabkyz

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Benchmarks: Power Consumption

Reduced noise isn't the only advantage of quietly-designed computers. Generally speaking, they ship with more sensible overclocks and a choice of components that enhance overall efficiency.

Case in point, the Scan 3XS Z77 Performance Q10 idles at a rather-lovely 50 Watts.

Power consumption remains comfortable with the Core i5 chip running flat out. 160 Watts is the lowest we've seen on a high-end gaming rig and it's almost a shame that Scan didn't choose a power supply with a load-based fan. A Corsair GS600, for example, would probably continue to run with the fan disabled at this load, potentially further reducing noise.

The 3XS Performance Z77 Q10 is also one of the most efficient machines in our line-up when it comes to gaming. Aided, of course, by the new GeForce GTX 660 Ti.