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Review: Silentmaster Guide

by Gordon Handley on 23 July 2002, 00:00

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Slot Bus and other Mods

With all the cold cathodes that are in the case I really needed a way to turn them off at night to prevent them from keeping me awake. The most common option is to create a switchbus in a spare bay plate that allows you to turn them on/off. I don't like the look of them to be perfectly honest, they take up a spare bay and wouldn't have fit in the case due to the door. Therefore I need a way of mounting the switches, my first thought was to place them in the side panel next to the window, but I decided this would look silly. Then I remembered reading about a slotbus. The basic idea behind a slot bus is to use a spare pci blanking plate to hold the switches required. This was the perfect solution to my problem, the switches would be hidden from view and yet still accessible.


A slotbus is very simple to create you need to get hold of one switch per cold cathode , a spare pci blanking plate, a bit of wire and some heat shrink/ electrical tape. The switch I used is a very simple on/off switch part fh97f from Maplins. All you do is solder two wires onto the switches , heatshrinking or taping over the bare wire when done to prevent shorting. Next you hook the wires up to the power line of the cold cathode, again heatshrinking in place. After that you take a spare pci blanking plate and drill four small holes for each of the switches . Screw the switches in place and you are done , its just matter of routing the wires so they are tidy . It will take about 15mins at the most.
After I had completed the slotbus , I decided to add a 7v/12v/0v switch as well to control my fans this was just added next to the existing switches. To me it was the perfect solution to the problem of hiding the switches.


Other Mods

I was originally planning on not having a floppy disc at all as I haven't had one in a system for a while, but I got fed up of my housemates wanting stuff off my machine, or wanting something printing off a floppy. So I decided to put one back in this project. Of course a beige one will not do. So I got out the spray cans and set to work. What you need to paint a floppy fascia is the following:

  • Nissan starburst silver spray paint
  • Grey primer spray paint
  • Clear coat spray can
  • Some sandpaper. Fine grit
  • Masking tape
The method for paint a fascia be it cd drive or floppy is very simple. First remove the fascia from the drive and mask off any area's you don't wish to paint. Next sand back the fascia to get any grime etc off the drive and to prepare it for the primer. Now spray a light coat of primer onto the fascia , leave it to dry for 24hrs. After it has dried lightly sand back the primer to prepare for the layer of colour. I chose nissan starburst silver metallic for the drive as I know its a very close match to aluminum Again lightly spray the fascia and leave to dry for 24hrs. When it has dried do a coat of clear coat to protect the paint. Repeat with any buttons etc you have as well. While I had the drive in pieces I replaced the green LED with a blue one as green looks so last century. Make sure you match up the polarity of the LED's when you do this as they only work one way round.


I was never happy with the original rear grill on the case, I looked plain and ordinary which wouldn't do. So I decide to cut it off and replace it with a sun grill. Unfortunately the existing grill is a weird shape slightly larger than a sun grill in places. Anyway I got out some sharp wire cutters and set to work (aluminum is very soft so you don't even need a dremmel to remove the grill. It took 5mins and looks much better now as you can see.


Also replaced were all grills with sun grill lazer cut grills and all screws/thumbscrews were replaced by anodized blue ones which look much nicer. The front grills filter was removed and 2 sun grills place in front of the fans and 2 aluminum mesh filters behind. This gives great looks through the mesh with the cold cathodes lighting up the shape of the grills