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Review: Want a high-end system? PC Specialist Apollo Q260GTX may well be the one

by Tarinder Sandhu on 22 July 2008, 07:03

Tags: PC Specialist

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qaoez

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HEXUS.coldboot and HEXUS.usb

The boot test takes the time from switching the system on to when our pre-installed Gadwin PrintScreen program's pop-up appears. Whilst it may not indicate the total time before the system becomes absolutely usable, the pop-up appears after the WEI score is displayed on Vista.

What we can say from looking at the Q260GTX's time is that the BIOS is configured correctly and no untoward hangs take place before, or whilst, the operating system is loading.

The USB test takes our Company of Heroes installation, comprising of 180 files of various-sized files, and copies them to the primary hard drive. As always, the test is run three times and the average time is taken.

Surprisingly, the PC Specialist is comfortably faster than the HEXUS control system, consistently so.