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Review: Scan 3XS RTX Studio Pro T1128T

by Parm Mann on 4 August 2020, 15:01


Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qaend7

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Benchmarks: GPGPU

Titan RTX commands a hefty premium at retail - more than 2x the cost of an RTX 2080 Ti - but the two cards have plenty in common and performance is closely matched in most scenarios.

Why pay more for the Titan? An extra 256 shader processors, 32 additional tensor cores and four more ray-tracing cores is, in our estimation, neither here nor there. What you're paying for is the 24GB of GDDR6 memory, so be certain your workloads stand to benefit from the 120 per cent larger frame buffer.

Then again, if you need a whole lot more power, remember the 3XS Cloud Rendering Service mentioned earlier in the review? We were able to test the power of said server by re-running the V-Ray Next GPU benchmark on a remote Scan server hosting eight Quadro RTX 6000 GPUs. The score? A whopping 3,164 MPaths.