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Review: Shuttle XPC ST20G5

by Ryszard Sommefeldt on 29 May 2005, 00:00

Tags: Shuttle, AMD (NYSE:AMD), ATi Technologies (NYSE:AMD)

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qabe6

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Cinebench 2003, Kribibench, Realstorm 2004, picCOLOR 4.0, MP3 Encoding

Cinebench 2003

Cinebench 2003

Cinebench 2003 doesn't turn up any surprises, both systems performing neck and neck with each other.



The Shuttle is ever so slightly slower with Kribi, which uses a CPU's floating point unit to render a 3D scene in real-time (almost!).

Realstorm 2004

Realstorm 2004

The HEXUS system is nearly 4% faster in this test, compared to the ST20G5. That mirrors what we've seen so far.

picCOLOR 4.0

picCOLOR 4.0

picCOLOR is a staple part of the benchmarking diet within HEXUS these days. Stressing the core performance of a processor, here it shows little difference between the two systems. The HEXUS system is less than 3% ahead.

MP3 Encoding

MP3 Encoding

Our final test can't split them apart, the CPU allowed to perform correctly in both systems.